

What are the 4 P’s of handwriting instruction?

It’s easy to teach handwriting effectively when you remember the four “Ps” of handwriting: posture, paper, pencil grip, and placement. Concentrating on building both the gross and fine motor skills needed for handwriting and learning the key abilities: pre-handwriting patterns, single letter formation, sitting, pencil grip and paper tilt.Providing resources, information and tips to help you comply with the handwriting requirements of all the UK National Curriculums, together with advice if pupils are struggling.

Writing Skills


Techniques for Teaching Writing

By focusing on how to teach writing explicitly, students will be able to communicate messages effectively and with clarity. But first, they must be able to organise their ideas and thoughts to meet the needs of their audience, with a clear purpose within their understanding of wider contexts.

Giving students the opportunity to explore and express themselves through a range of genres and writing styles is also a great way to give them the transferable skills that are easily contextualised and applicable to the wider

What are the methods of teaching writing skills?

  • Modelled Writing.Use the think-aloud strategy- Talk aloud as you are writing so students can hear your thought process
  • Shared. Work with the students on a piece of writing
  • Interactive
  • Guided
  • Collaborative
  • Independent