We cover a variety of effective strategies in our Primary Education lesson, ranging from Year 1 to Year 6 and 11 Plus Pre-Entrance Exam Preparation tuitions, which will boost your confidence and improve your analytical abilities on test day. To register and for additional information, get in touch with us. To make a reservation, click! 11 Plus Pre-Entrance Exam classes include some memory-boosting and targeted learning strategies, that can help your child develop into a proficient lifetime learner. All of this preparation will pay off when students take the KS2 SATS (Standard Attainment Tests) of Year 6.


The Primary Mathematics Curriculum has five Strands: Algebra, Data and Chance, Measures, Number, Shape and Space from Year 1 to Year 6. (KS1+KS2).
• To develop an appreciation of the practical and aesthetic aspects of mathematics
• To develop problem-solving abilities
• To enable children to use language effectively
• To enable children to achieve a good understanding of mathematical concepts
• To help the child acquire proficiency in fundamental mathematical skills


What’s included in the national curriculum English programme of study?
1) Reading
2) Writing
3) Spoken Language
• Transcription
• Identify and discuss themes across a range of writing
• Composition and vocabulary
• Grammar and punctuation
• Using a wider range of literacy, organisational and presentational devices (e.g. headings, bullet points, or underlining)


Science objectives provide a foundation for children’s future scientific learning and help children develop important skills such as observation, communication, and critical thinking.Develop their scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through, the disciplines of biology, chemistry, and physics.
• Recognising and exploring the characteristics of living things Understanding basic life processes
• Investigating and observing the world around them
• Understanding the properties of materials
• Developing an understanding of physical processes

Planning And Independent Writing

Grammar And Punctuation

Structuring Texts

Writing Skills



11 Plus Pre-Entrance Exam Preparation for Year 3 and Year 4

At Achieving Stars, our special Year 3 and Year 4 pre-11 plus course is created to make sure your child learns the pre-11 plus foundational abilities in Math, English, and Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning pleasantly and engagingly.

English and math are the two essential subjects for success in the 11+, even in subjects where the 11+ only includes verbal and/or non-verbal reasoning. In addition to the need for a broad vocabulary and accurate spelling, Verbal Reasoning papers commonly include mathematical questions that call for a child to be proficient in the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of basic operations. The child must be aware of shapes and be able to follow a sequence logically to complete non-verbal reasoning papers. Despite the shaky connection to general mathematics, NVR uses several mathematical concepts, including symmetry and an understanding of three-dimensional shapes.

SAT Prep Course-Reach Higher


Learn how to beat those tricky questions and accelerate your academic capabilities with the SAT Prep Course.

Aligned to School Curriculum